The webpage only contains one form where we can enter a domain. The main purpose of this website is to retrieve the DNS information about a domain entered by the user. It is probably executing a command on the server and print it on the webpage. If the web application run a command on a server we can try to do some code injections. LEt's suppose that what the user enter in the form is passed as argument to the whois() function.

whois [USER_INPUT]
Therefore, if we can use ";", "&&", "||" to run multiple command, the website might return the result of our command too. Let's print the content of the current directory with ls
whois [USER_INPUT]; ls -la
It works ! We have managed to list the content of the current directory. The web application is vulnerable to command injection. A .php file is present, let's see what's inside.; cat index.php
We do not have much thing, but looking at the source code, I've found the flag !