The DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure) and another french engineer school Mines Telecom Paris Sud have organized a cybersecurity challenge in May 2022. Many challenges were presents for cyber passionates to evaluate their skills by resolving them and capturing the flag to earn points. Write ups of successful challenges are presented here.
Jeopardy CTF developed by ANSSI experts, around forty varied tests and exercises, accessible for every cyber skill level. The skills needed to resolve all the tests are: Crypto, Reverse, Pwn, Web, Forensic, Hardware, etc.
This cybersecurity challenge was organized by the DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement) in November 2020. The challenges was around web, cryptography, digital investigation, reverse engineering and exploitation.
DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure) and an engineer school ESIEE organized a cybersecurity challenge in October 2020. There were several exercises to resolve and to find the flag including cryptography, web, cracking, steganography, electronic... In this CTF, we embody a secret agent to resolve different riddle.